!!!!!!!!!!!!! WATDEFEKIZIT QUIZZ -EVERY WEDNESDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't forget to sign your comments !!!!!!!!!!!

will be back home from July the 3rd to the 10th
and my pompey poker mates will come toooooooo !!!!!!!
I am looking forward to see you guys !!!!!!!

samedi 21 mars 2009

21-03-2009 little india mosquee and arab street

Hello everybody

in fact Bintan as been cancelled and postponed to tomorrow as today i woke up at 11h00 am ( i was too tired and still under jetlag )
luckyly i didn't go, as today there has been the biggest storm i 
have seen since a week i am here, i hope tomorrow i wiil be able to make it.

So as a plan "B", i went to little india (an area in Singapore), where walking in the gardens there i could see a singaporean wedding 
then i visited the mosquee

and finally i finished my afternoon by walking in arab street where you can find a little piece of marroco, little souks and big textiles area, i even had a good kebab for lunch
and believe me (or believe the pictures) when it is starting to rain, you don't want to stay
ps : i don't see a lot of people laving a lot of comment on my blog (is it boring or you don't want to ??? i am sad :-( i am updating this blog without having any feedback :-(


write to you sooooooooon

2 commentaires:

  1. hello, c'est étonnant cette diversité. arabe inde C'est vraiment de la pluie comme à dakar gros gros un moment et ça passe...
    fais des photos avec la famille du frere à seb.
    J'espère que tu es plus reposé. Les couleurs sont très belles
    Bises bambino

  2. Of course that I like the blog you muppet. You better keep doin it. It´s like being with you mate. We plaied poker. I won the last hand.

